Saturday, March 12, 2011

Being Elmo: A Puppeteer's Journey

This is a documentary about Kevin Clash, the very private person whose hand has become world famous as Elmo, the loving, lovable monster on Sesame Street.  Elmo post-dates my own time with the show, but the documentary still brings out the good feelings of the muppets and what they meant to me and many others.  It's a sometimes sad, but overall uplifting story.  It's clear why it was awarded at Sundance.

Being Elmo: A Puppeteer's Journey
2011, 80 minutes, directed by Constance Marks

On my way to this film, I stumbled across a book & DVD signing by Felicia Day.  Here are a few non-sequitur photos I took.  All images copyright 2011 by Digs of Moviedigs.

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