Saturday, March 8, 2008


The new Alamo at the Ritz has a smaller theater than the old Alamo Downtown. Blocking off four entire rows for cast and crew seemed excessive, but I really appreciate the performers in a film actually showing up for the premiere. Most of the time, if an indy film scores a big-name star, they miss the premiere because they are, you know, a star, meaning they have work to do.

There's not enough zany gore-fest films being made today, and I found this a refreshing addition. The entire cast just seemed to enjoy the movie making process, and it showed with splendor. The entire major cast, except Daniel Stern, participated in the Q&A and confirmed my impressions. Best quote, when asked about her favorite part of the film, from Ashley Johnson: "I rather enjoyed being - shackled... That sounds kinda weird." Weird indeed.

2008, 100 minutes, directed by Tony Krantz

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