Saturday, March 8, 2008

Humboldt County

And here it is again. The 2008 South By Southwest Film Festival kicked off with a great start last night, with three movies I found quite adorable. My favorite part of SXSW is that the movies range so widely outside my usual genres, yet I always find some remarkable films.

My first screening was the world premiere of Humboldt County, which at first glance is little more than a drug culture film, exploring the marijuana culture from an outsider's point of view. But very quickly you can see that it's much more than that - in fact, it's not that at all. It dives into a journey of self discovery, and then flourishes as a story of love and family.

The film was stolen by young star Madison Davenport, who summed up the film well in the Q&A. "Peter - he can be whoever he wants to be."

Humboldt County
2008, 97 minutes, directed by Darren Grodsky and Danny Jacobs

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