Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Final Cut

Alan Hakman (Robin Williams) is a cutter, a taxidermist of memories for those who lived and died with a Zoe implant, with their entire life captured on film.  Haunted by the memories of his own life, Alan cleans those of his clients, leaving their families with only the sanitized good they wish to see at their loved one's rememory gathering.

Then, some things happen, and Alan faces a life crises.  And while science fiction film most certainly doesn't require action, none of the things seem particularly life changing; no matter how well or inaccurately he remembered past events, he seems basically unchanged in his melancholy.  It's this malaise of sadness that permeates the film, and with nothing to perturb it the whole picture falls flat.

The Final Cut
2004, 95 minutes, directed by Omar Naim

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