Saturday, March 14, 2009

Know Your Mushrooms

This being the latest documentary by the director of 2006's Tales of the Rat Fink, I should have realized what I would get: a topic barely stretched to feature length, with intermixed cheesy graphics reused a bit too much.

But past the documentary style, I found tidbits of story interesting. Larry Evans, the "Indiana Jones of mushroom hunters", does well in the film and seems equally genuine in person. The Maitake mushroom, grown in Japan and found to significantly repress tumor growth, sounds like a reasonable addition my diet, given my family history with cancer.

Set the DVR to record this when it shows up on the Documentary channel, and watch it while ironing clothes or doing your taxes. It will be suitably enjoyable given the context.

Know Your Mushrooms
2008, 74 minutes, directed by Ron Mann

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