Saturday, May 4, 2013

Iron Man 3

Can this series wind back down after the craziness of aliens in New York?  Clearly the audience expects bigger, better, more, but that's simply not possible with just an Iron Man and friends but no gods or hulks.  To take this on, the script weaves and dodges away from New York references, but does hit dead on with Tony Stark confronting growing waves of anxiety as he suffers from PTSD, and steps out of his suit for some action scenes au naturale.

Other than that, though, the continuity falls flat.  The usual brash Tony eggs on a new badass terrorist to attack him at his home.  When it happens, his suit is damaged, Jarvis shuts down, and all the old suits are trapped in the vault.  What happened to all the suits he kept in his New York penthouse?  Doesn't he own more than one server for Jarvis to run from?  With the President in trouble, where's Captain America?

Before I saw this, I read an interview where Gwyneth Paltrow predicted the end of the series.  I didn't believe her at the time, but after seeing the film, I agree that they've burnt through Tony Stark as a character and are ready to set him aside, pulling him out for cameo roles in the next few Avengers films.

Iron Man 3
2013, 130 minutes, directed by Shane Black

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