Monday, July 25, 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger

It all seemed so superficial. Nothing ever presented much of a challenge to the heroes; Captain America is never nicked by a bullet, none of his team is ever hit by the blue rays, etc. The one meaningful death was a godawful slip and fall into a huge ravine, ala Snow White. With lasers that disintegrate an entire human upon any impact, you'd think at least some of them would have picked up a glancing shot. But no, the only thing any of the bad guys can manage to hit is the shield, and that metal is somehow immune both to bullets and disintegration rays.

(Bullets they explain away when the shield is introduced, but the disintegration rays are just assumed. The movie would have been much shorter, though better, if the first one of those that hit the shield had disintegrated it and its bearer, and Steve Rogers' friend would have taken on the role as Captain America with more humility and better equipment. Or swap it around so the friend is the first Captain America and Steve has to follow in his footsteps.)

As it is, it seemed very much to be a superhero product of the 1940s: unfortunately simple and out of its time.

Captain America: The First Avenger
2011, 124 minutes, Joe Johnston

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