Sunday, March 14, 2010


Unlike most reviews you'll probably read, I didn't think this film was Cloverfield 2.0.  It could have been, but the director did an admiral job taking his film in a different direction.  I'm intrigued by the production style, with the entire film done as ad-lib with an almost entirely extras cast, based on a rough paragraph outline per scene.  (Indeed, as the credits rolled, I thought they were a temporary version as only the two lead actors are credited.)  Don't let the sci fi fool you; this is a love story set in post-apocalypse Mexico.  The fitting conclusion was the announcement by star Whitney Able that she was engaged to co-star Scoot McNairy.  (Alas, I didn't have my camera, though I'll rectify that tomorrow.)  I'd see this again.

2010, 97 minutes, directed by Gareth Edwards

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