Sunday, May 18, 2008

Post Impact

Last month, in planning for a European vacation, I utilized our fancy new DVR's Dish Pass feature to record every show about Germany. In addition to the expected fare (Rick Steve's Europe, Smart Travels, Passport to Europe), it swept up a host of biographies on the pope, History's Misteries' "Nazi Ghost Train", and a cheesy little Sci Fi channel original called Post Impact. Why not?

Oh, you know what? I've seen the last 15 minutes of this movie - twice. I remember this SolStar
thing. Wow, what a disappointment. Maybe it will make sense this time. Or not.

Decent movie for lovers of third-rate action-based science fiction, which I guess means Sci Fi hit their mark.

Post Impact
2004, 90 minutes, directed by Christoph Schrewe

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