Thursday, September 20, 2007

Wicked Flowers

Back in 2007, I started a project.  I attend a few film festivals a year, and regular get asked to name some films I liked.  Put on the stop like that, though, I simply draw a blank.  To avoid that - and help my memory overall - I'm posting notes and a brief review for every film I see, starting with this one, my first film of Fantastic Fest 2007 here in Austin, Texas. 

Wicked Flowers is a movie I can respectfully categorize as from the weird Japanese film genre.

What can I say? Weird. It's not the weirdest movie I've ever seen - that honor still must go to
Naisu no mori: The First Contact aka Funky Forest, which I saw at last year's festival. But, if you're looking for a suitable head scratcher with resolution, give it a shot.

Wicked Flowers
2006, 85 minutes, directed by Torico

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