Thursday, March 14, 2013

In Your Dreams - Stevie Nicks

Having relished the snips of Stevie Nicks voice in music clips included in last night's Sound City, I decided to make this a music-doc-by-musicians trio and see Stevie Nicks' and Dave Stewart's film. Dave, half of the hit synth pop group The Eurythmics and lifelong camera buff, was drawn to Stevie due to their shared experiences (breaking up with a longtime love, then becoming famous in a band with their ex).

The film is organized by song, with minimal background and side story. In the film and Q&A, Stevie was clear to explain that the year spent making the album was the best year of her life. Indeed, each song is the most _____ of something she's ever done. They said the first cut was some ten hours long, but when finally edited the six minutes of adoration and self-reflection devoted to each song aren't enough to keep it all from sounding trite. I'll still take any opportunity I can to hear Stevie sing, but movies made when making albums struggle to work.

In Your Dreams - Stevie Nicks
2013, 100 minutes, directed by Dave Stewart and Stevie Nicks

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