Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Cooridor

The writer and director of this film describe it as a "Sunday morning hangover film", so it seems appropriate that I saw it early Sunday after a late night at the Fantastic Debates.  (No, I'm not hung over.)

Tyler, lifelong friend to Robert, Chris, Everett, and Jim, has a nervous breakdown upon the death of his mother, stabbing two of his friends before he's subdued.  Months later, all five of them gather in the woods at Tyler's mom's retreat cabin to reminisce and make amends.  When Tyler sees a strange cooridor in the woods, has his psychosis returned?  Or is he the only one sane?

This was much more cerebral than I expected, but then again that seems to be the theme this week.  The characters are obsessed with their own pasts and unsure what comes next, which resonates well with me.  This was a good film, worth seeing on a Saturday night.  Gore is minimal but present, so be prepared.

The Cooridor
2010, 100 minutes, directed by Evan Kelly

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