Monday, February 4, 2008


Reviewing films is definitely helping my memory of them. With the time to work out and set my thoughts, I'm able to recall more and discuss more about the movies I've seen. At the same time, knowing that I have to write a review has made me far more critical of the quality of the film itself. Today's DVD special, TimeQuest, seems like the kind of film I would have loved - or at least tolerated - not that long ago. But today I couldn't stomach it.

Where is the plot? It just starts out as a discordant series of events with no sense at all. Finally after 30 minutes some sense of story appears out of the murky depths of cheese and sap. It's not just that the plot is overly-fascinated by the Kennedy mystique; it's that the plot is barely recognizable, the pacing is atrocious, and the acting downright awful. Only the Traveler, played by Ralph Waite, seemed to be interested in his job.

Of course I did make it to the end, and the plot seems more focused as the awful way the story was told fades away. Maybe there's hope for this one, yet.

2002, 95 minutes, directed by Robert Dyke

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